Friday, December 10, 2010

My so called life...

Been a bit of a strange week...
  • spoke at my local church on Sunday and the subject was Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist. I included a couple of comments about whether blokes have a biological clock and if so does it just tick a little quieter than it does for women? Got a lot of comments and feedback on this - most reaction I've ever had on anything I've ever said.
  • was coughing and spluttering on Monday and Tuesday - seemed to be my turn on the office rota
  • Thursday evening was spent at the Riverside Studios in Hammersmith. Very pleasant evening that got a little strange as Question Time was being recorded there that evening (not the reason I was there) and Dimbleby and the panel emerged into a cordoned off part of the bar for a post show meal - didn't recognise any of them...
  • pleasant Friday afternoon in Pizza Express for office Christmas meal. However, I do seem to spend a lot of time in Pizza Expresses - perhaps should move in...

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