Friday, October 27, 2006

Thank you for your feedback...

I don't get many comments on this blog, but the last one "You're such a scrooge!" intrigues me.

It's not Christmas I don't like. I like the spirit of goodwill it can engender, I like the opportunity to catch up with friends and family, and I actually much prefer giving presents than receiving them (seriously!).

What I don't like is;
... the notion that if you don't have 'turkey and all the trimmings' (which seems to mean 3 types of potato, 17 types of other vegetable and enough brandy butter to sink a battleship) you somehow haven't done Christmas properly...
... the naffness and tat that accompanies it - I give you signing fish and musical socks as two examples - and is somehow excused as 'it's Christmas'...
... a shop has up its Christmas lights exhulting me to have a Merry Christmas, and we're not yet at the end of British Summer Time...

I'm all for celebrating Christmas - including Advent and Epiphany; I'd just like to do it when it is actually Christmas, and not in October half-term.

Here endth the rant.


Anonymous said...

Didn't mean to make you rant - sorry!

Anonymous said...

there goes your good present Jen - i say buy her those water vouchers from africa you were harking on about!

Phil Bowman said...

That's one good thing about the new commercialisation of Halloween - it makes the appearance of Christmas goods in the shops (or at least, the supermarkets) be delayed at least till November.