Caught me by surprise to be honest - wasn't especially looking. Difficult to put my finger on one thing in particular. It's the overall package - the look, the touch of their fingers, the fact they make me happy. We seem the perfect match and I just want to be with them every day.
Probably won't be long term though...
Fine, dark KitKat are 'limited edition'.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
Thank you for your feedback...
I don't get many comments on this blog, but the last one "You're such a scrooge!" intrigues me.
It's not Christmas I don't like. I like the spirit of goodwill it can engender, I like the opportunity to catch up with friends and family, and I actually much prefer giving presents than receiving them (seriously!).
What I don't like is;
... the notion that if you don't have 'turkey and all the trimmings' (which seems to mean 3 types of potato, 17 types of other vegetable and enough brandy butter to sink a battleship) you somehow haven't done Christmas properly...
... the naffness and tat that accompanies it - I give you signing fish and musical socks as two examples - and is somehow excused as 'it's Christmas'...
... a shop has up its Christmas lights exhulting me to have a Merry Christmas, and we're not yet at the end of British Summer Time...
I'm all for celebrating Christmas - including Advent and Epiphany; I'd just like to do it when it is actually Christmas, and not in October half-term.
Here endth the rant.
It's not Christmas I don't like. I like the spirit of goodwill it can engender, I like the opportunity to catch up with friends and family, and I actually much prefer giving presents than receiving them (seriously!).
What I don't like is;
... the notion that if you don't have 'turkey and all the trimmings' (which seems to mean 3 types of potato, 17 types of other vegetable and enough brandy butter to sink a battleship) you somehow haven't done Christmas properly...
... the naffness and tat that accompanies it - I give you signing fish and musical socks as two examples - and is somehow excused as 'it's Christmas'...
... a shop has up its Christmas lights exhulting me to have a Merry Christmas, and we're not yet at the end of British Summer Time...
I'm all for celebrating Christmas - including Advent and Epiphany; I'd just like to do it when it is actually Christmas, and not in October half-term.
Here endth the rant.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
For passengers waiting on platform....
Quite how London is a 'world class' city I'm not sure - often it's public transport system would disgrace the most underdeveloped of developing nations. How it'll cope in 2012 I've no idea - still given the Wembley fiasco it'll probably be postponed until 2014.
Reason for rant is that my journey home - normally a single straight forward train ride - tonight took a tube, a walk, 2 buses and over 2 hours...
Anyway, I got chance to pass a shop which had all its Christmas lights up. The works - electic Santa, reindeer pulling a sleigh and Merry Christmas in lights.
Today is 25th Oct. Christmas is 2 months away (I'm sharp, me). It's just plain wrong.
Reason for rant is that my journey home - normally a single straight forward train ride - tonight took a tube, a walk, 2 buses and over 2 hours...
Anyway, I got chance to pass a shop which had all its Christmas lights up. The works - electic Santa, reindeer pulling a sleigh and Merry Christmas in lights.
Today is 25th Oct. Christmas is 2 months away (I'm sharp, me). It's just plain wrong.
Monday, October 23, 2006
And that's a bad miss!
For a while I've enjoyed That Mitchell and Webb Sound on the radio and so was delighted when That Mitchell and Webb Look lived up to expectation. I particularly like the two snooker commentators. So, as a public service, here are the secret snooker words to Lady in Red, enjoy...
Never seen you looking so shiny as you did tonight,
Never seen your baize so tight,
you were amazing.
Never seen so many players wonder if the long pot is on.
Looking for a little cannon,
a cut as thin as a thong.
And I have never seen such a clearance,
Such a clearance in all the pots in every way,
no more safety play.
Table of reds,
is dancing with me,
cush to cush.
Nothing is wrong,
this big pink is on,
but where’s cue ball gone?
And hardly know,
to play with stun or side?
Never to forget,
this shot to nothing life.
Never to forget,
my table of reds.
For a while I've enjoyed That Mitchell and Webb Sound on the radio and so was delighted when That Mitchell and Webb Look lived up to expectation. I particularly like the two snooker commentators. So, as a public service, here are the secret snooker words to Lady in Red, enjoy...
Never seen you looking so shiny as you did tonight,
Never seen your baize so tight,
you were amazing.
Never seen so many players wonder if the long pot is on.
Looking for a little cannon,
a cut as thin as a thong.
And I have never seen such a clearance,
Such a clearance in all the pots in every way,
no more safety play.
Table of reds,
is dancing with me,
cush to cush.
Nothing is wrong,
this big pink is on,
but where’s cue ball gone?
And hardly know,
to play with stun or side?
Never to forget,
this shot to nothing life.
Never to forget,
my table of reds.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
State Visit

The castle is a fascinating place – history, art, weaponry, a dolls house and umpteen sets of crockery all on display. Once again I ended taking a photo for a bunch of tourists, though had to do a take two as the first one didn’t have enough of the castle in it! I often seem to take photos for tourists, or provide them with

At Windsor I love the irony that you are in a magnificent castle containing great works of art, but look out the window and you have stunning views of Heathrow Terminal 5 and Slough…
The temperature dips…
For the second Saturday running had the question ‘so what are you doing for Christmas?’ This time from two different people – perhaps I’m being double-teamed!
Gave the answer 'I don’t know yet, I’ll think about it nearer the time but probably not a lot. Might be back up in Brum for some of the period, might not.'
Met with a frosty silence…
Gave the answer 'I don’t know yet, I’ll think about it nearer the time but probably not a lot. Might be back up in Brum for some of the period, might not.'
Met with a frosty silence…
Friday, October 20, 2006
We apologise for the interruption of service...
Sorry for not updating - been a busy week.
On Tuesday I found myself on the next stage of my 'leadership development programme' - yep, I agree, I'm not sure either. Was interesting, there were a couple of speakers (Chief Exec of Lambeth Council and Chairman and Chief Exec of Timpsons) and then I had to share my 'leadership vision' with my 'learning set'. All very weird and not really 'me'. Even more worrying is next time I have to share my 'leadership brand' and no, I've no idea what that means either.
Rest of the week has been a bit hectic and the week is ending with a 'state visit'.
On Tuesday I found myself on the next stage of my 'leadership development programme' - yep, I agree, I'm not sure either. Was interesting, there were a couple of speakers (Chief Exec of Lambeth Council and Chairman and Chief Exec of Timpsons) and then I had to share my 'leadership vision' with my 'learning set'. All very weird and not really 'me'. Even more worrying is next time I have to share my 'leadership brand' and no, I've no idea what that means either.
Rest of the week has been a bit hectic and the week is ending with a 'state visit'.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Website of the week - #17
Not containing anything particularly new - but I still think this is worth a look and should raise the odd smile.
Mistletoe and wine? Mine's a large one
Had my first "what are you doing for Christmas?" yesterday.
If you have a partner or kids you're probably thinking 'we had that sorted months ago'. As a singleton I often get the feeling that people assume they know what I'll be doing. The truth is I don't have a clue. It's only October and, although I know I could buy my decorations from August, as a matter of 'principle' I really don't think you should be worrying about Christmas until December. With the endless planning, preparation and hype it seems to me that the only things you're setting up are tension and disappointment.
Christmas can be a great time of year, but let it happen. It's only a couple of days - not a military operation. Go on, live on the edge - be slightly spontaneous.
If you have a partner or kids you're probably thinking 'we had that sorted months ago'. As a singleton I often get the feeling that people assume they know what I'll be doing. The truth is I don't have a clue. It's only October and, although I know I could buy my decorations from August, as a matter of 'principle' I really don't think you should be worrying about Christmas until December. With the endless planning, preparation and hype it seems to me that the only things you're setting up are tension and disappointment.
Christmas can be a great time of year, but let it happen. It's only a couple of days - not a military operation. Go on, live on the edge - be slightly spontaneous.
The left is my best side

I enjoy these occasions. Chance to catch up with friend, appear cultured and, above all, people watch. There is such a variety of people at these things - the older serious home counties women, the people going after work and, as my friend so wonderfully put it, "those who turn up later and look as though they've made a bit more of an effort." Never sure if they are on dates, trying to be seen, or trying to pull.
Exhibition is pretty good - if you like portraits of old dead people. Portraits of Henry VIII, which Holbein is most associated with, vary from the stern to the, frankly, camp. I enquired of my friend that given the portraits are probably quite flattering, how did Henry VIII get to have 6 wives? She felt the fact that he was the King, with untold wealth, a large army and owned the country might have added to his attraction.
Since when did that impress women?.?.?
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Drawing back the veil...
In an email today;
"I've got you down as "comedy john" in my phone - no pressure though :~)"
More of my 'identity' revealed??
"I've got you down as "comedy john" in my phone - no pressure though :~)"
More of my 'identity' revealed??
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Last night's episode of Spooks on BBC3 (on BBC1 next Monday night) had a lot of scenes shot where I used to live in Surrey Quays.
Got briefy nostalgic...
Got briefy nostalgic...
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Website of the week - #16
This site was listed in one of the numerous free papers you can now get in London.
The course of true love .?.?.
The course of true love .?.?.
Being Carrie Fisher

She's a succesful Hollywood 'script doctor', author (Postcards from the Edge and Surrender the Pink are both interesting reads) and actress (I think she's very good in When Harry Met Sally). However, she's best known for Star Wars and, if you're a bloke of a certain age, a particular scene involving a gold lame bikini is etched on your mind. If nothing else it was a cinematic moment which probably confirmed your sexuality. I'm well aware that at this point most women will be rolling their eyes, shaking their heads, tutting and muttering 'for goodness sake.'
How much has this particular movie scene defined her, both in how we see her, and how she sees herself? For instance, does she look back at it and think 'I wish I still looked like that' or is it more the case of 'I wish I hadn't done that; it wasn't the real me and no matter what other success I have, I'm always going to be best remembered for it.'
Then think about yourself. Do you have a photo that you look back on and mournfully think 'I wish I looked that good today', or does it inspire to rediscover the thin person within and succesfully diet? Is there a moment that defines you which is an albatross around your neck/monkey on your back (chose favoured animal description) and no matter what else you do, your friends will always go back to it?
This blog is often testament to the randomness of my mind, but I wonder if we all, a little, struggle being Carrie Fisher...
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Darwinism in action
A right spanner in my train carriage tonight. Made a call on his mobile (annoying enough) and then proceeded to divulge;
...his mobile phone number...
...his full address...
...his mother's maiden name...
I now have a new identity!
...his mobile phone number...
...his full address...
...his mother's maiden name...
I now have a new identity!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Strange thoughts
Was just walking back to flat tonight. It's a beautiful, crisp, clear, still evening. A lovely evening for a jog.
Fear not, this is me! Got back to the flat, made myself a nice hot chocolate and sat on the sofa.
Well, it's the thought that counts...
Fear not, this is me! Got back to the flat, made myself a nice hot chocolate and sat on the sofa.
Well, it's the thought that counts...
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
The Last Taboo??
Was thinking on the train into work - is there anything you can't admit to these days? Don't mean anything illegal, or sexual peversity - I've seen Trisha and these all seem fair game. I mean is there something which if you heard a close friend say, you may look at them very differently?
And no, I don't have a sordid confession...
...well, I quite like to read the odd 'chick-lit' book...
I know, I know, "burn him!"
And no, I don't have a sordid confession...
...well, I quite like to read the odd 'chick-lit' book...
I know, I know, "burn him!"
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Website of the week - #15
Lost in translation
No, I'm not having a fling with Scarlett Johansson - we can but dream, but think how off kilter that universe would be!
This week I've been described as;
..."looking well" - I believe that's an euphemism for "you've put on weight"...
..."providing intellectual rigour" - I think that means I'm "not the office thicky"...
..."looking swarthy" - I think that means I'm tall, dark and handsome.. without the tall... or the handsome...
Still - been called worse.
This week I've been described as;
..."looking well" - I believe that's an euphemism for "you've put on weight"...
..."providing intellectual rigour" - I think that means I'm "not the office thicky"...
..."looking swarthy" - I think that means I'm tall, dark and handsome.. without the tall... or the handsome...
Still - been called worse.
Back on the treadmill
No, I've not joined a gym.
It's amazing how quickly you can revert to your old patterns. A week of work, meetings, emails and catching up with people and I'm back in the 'old groove' - not necessarily a good thing!
Been a bit too hectic to catch up with the blog - for which we can all be thankful.
It's amazing how quickly you can revert to your old patterns. A week of work, meetings, emails and catching up with people and I'm back in the 'old groove' - not necessarily a good thing!
Been a bit too hectic to catch up with the blog - for which we can all be thankful.
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