A couple of weeks ago I registered with an new GP so had a minor check up. On the whole things were fine, "when did you last see your GP?" "1996", was my reply. My blood pressure was a little high - the nurse took it 3 times just to make sure - but when I told them where I work, "well, I guess that explains that." Then came the time to measure my weight. It wasn't too bad - but let's just say that I'm *ahem* slightly 'bigger boned' that I thought. Upshot is I need to take more exercise.

Weather today was lovely and crisp, and one of the joys of where I live is that in 40 minutes I can be amongst the countryside. So today I headed to the North Downs and the River Wey just outside Guildford for a 7-8 mile walk.
OK, so much of the good work... most of the good work... probably all of the good work... was undone by the pie and chips I had for tea... Still, day 2 and the 'more exercise' resolution is intact. Small steps...
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