Slightly unexpectedly I head off to The Borderline to see Gretchen Peters live. Doubt you will have heard of her - so the obtuse reference above to one of her songs is doubly pointless - but she is a Nashville singer songwriter and you may have heard one of her songs at some point.
The support act is Edwina Hayes an acoustic/folk singer songwriter from Yorkshire. She has a wonderful voice and a lovely sense of humour. "Most of my songs are pretty depressing. They're all about either unrequited love, falling for someone whose not interested or having a crush on someone", she says with a wonderful laugh.
Gretchen claims she is under the weather but she - along with her excellent keyboard player - deliver a wonderful set. Again there is a good use of humour between the songs. Overall a lovely concert highlighting the delightful talents of two excellent female singer songwriters.
End the night with friends watching a gripping Superbowl match. The Patriots - so near to the perfect season...
Eventually a long Sunday ends...
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