Chance upon a production of Dr Dolittle. Other than 'talking to the animals' I know little about the story. The star is Tommy Steele - this seems ideal for the 'state visit' so tickets booked.
Well the story is the sort of thing that if it had been devised in the 60s by an experimental theatre group you would have put it down to them having smoked too many bananas. Talking animals, dodos, giant sea slugs and the two headed Pushmi Pullyu (how does it go to the toilet??) are all the sort of things inspired by a bad acid trip. Also the minor love story between Dr Dolittle and Emma Fairfax - a women young enough to not only be his daughter but his granddaughter - is a little troubling.
However, the star of the show was most definitely Tommy Steele. In a career spanning over 50 years we forget just what a big star he was, and indeed is. And here he is, age 70, still carrying a 2 hour musical note perfect for 8 performances a week. OK, not necessarily my sort of theatre experience, I'm not a fan of musicals (the only exception is Singing in the Rain - and that's because if you remove all the songs you still have a great satire on Hollywood) but you have to admire and respect a genuine theatrical stalwart and national institution.
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