The story is basic - Ross and Rachel's dad has been doubled crossed by Scarface and has a heart attack. His friends - Dr Ross, Mr Angelina Jolie and Jason Bourne - seek revenge and vow to hit Michael Corleone where it hurts, they will seek to financially ruin the new hotel and casino he is opening.
The good news? Well, it's better than the second one, it's beautiful shot in that style that Steven Soderbergh has made very much his own, and both the leads are good with the light comedy. It's ...... OK.
And that's it. It's about 20 minutes too long, the plot is very slight and, frankly, given the talent on the screen I expect more - a decent storyline for starters. And don't get me started on Don Cheadle's accent - great alumni that he is from the 'Dick Van Dyke School of Authentic Cockney' - mercifully he doesn't have as much screen time as in the first film.
Strangely, Eddie Izzard also has a role - yes I know he was in the earlier ones but I still expect him suddenly to start making mention of jam or cats. However, his character makes a reference to Danny and Rusty being 'the Morecombe & Wise of'. How bizarre... anyone under 30 in the UK would struggle to get that reference, and as Morecombe & Wise famously never broke America I wonder what the viewers in Smallsville, USA make of it??
For me the best bit was overhearing two women in conversation on leaving the cinema. One said, "George Clooney is lovely, but Brad Pitt is looking a bit worn."
Blimey, if that's looking worn...
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