Been a busy couple of weeks - too busy hence a distinct lack of posting. There has been stuff at work, other things, times of reflection and challenge, and a couple of moments when I've had to stop and think 'what if?'
Overall a strange start to 2007 - have I got my priortites right? Probably not...
Anyway, tomorrow head off to the mountains for a week of peering down ski pistes and thinking, 'not sure about this' - then spotting my companions zooming away in the distance and thinking, 'oh well... he who dares... when's lunch?'
Hopefully the scenery, air, time with friends etc. will help to clear my head a bit. Who knows, even gain some perspective or deep insight? OK, I know, I'm just being silly now!
Postings will be lacking next week but will return the week after - possibly with beautiful photos of me being outdoorsy and rugged?!?
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