It's time to leave the Hebrides. It's been a fascinating place to visit. All the islands have different personalities and landscapes - some with mountains, others with lots of lochs, others wth amazing sandy beaches and bays. The Western Isles definitely feel like being in a different country. There are the usual differences of being in Scotland - the different accents, the different radio and TV stations and the different banknotes. Added to it is the strong local identity and the gaelic language. The roadsigns and nameplaces are bilingual and often in gaelic first. On several occasions you overhear people conversing it - it has all added to the feel of the holiday.
I have a waddle around the grounds of Lews Castle before heading to catch the ferry. Isles FM - the fantastic and eccentric community radio station for Lewis and Harris - confirm that Ben Fogle has now left the islands after his secret honeymoon on Taransay. Apparently having nearly died on his recent Atlantic rowing trip he proposed and married his girlfriend - the old romantic.
Incredibly as the ferry pulls out of the harbour a bloke produces set of bagpipes and pipes the ferry on its way. Ferry arrives in Ullapool and I drive down to Inverness - traffic is a bit busier than I've been used to for the past 8 days...
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