I'm having lessons on how to be funny - it's truly amazing what you can take evening classes in! As with many slightly daft ideas it started in a pub. Last December someone asked me "when are you going to try stand up comedy?" Now admittedly he'd had a couple of halves of shandy, but it seemed a genuine question. My response, "I lack two things - material and stage presence..." Conversation nipped in bud.
But it got me thinking and in Dec/Jan I had a look to see if you could perhaps learn or dabble in this. Found a couple of courses - one entitled "Finding your funny bone" and another which described itself as "just the course for those who make their friends laugh." Well, spring was a bit busy so I couldn't commit - I bottled it - but I had another look before Easter.
I wasn't sure stand up was for me but was tempted to dip my toe in the waters of comedy. So, a few weeks ago I started a low key introduction to writing comedy course - a bit on stand up, a bit on sketches and hopefully a bit on sitcom. Interesting... as I suspected being a smart ass and making the odd quick witted comment is very different to starting with a blank piece of paper.
Will anything come from this?? Doubtful, but I've managed to raise the odd laugh and it's definitely an experience...
Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.
Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.
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