Are you ready for some level 5 openness and honesty? And no, I've no idea what level 5 is, but I'm guessing I'm usually around level 0.5. Are you worried yet?
Today is Valentine's Day. I'm quick me - the numerous email reminders from Interflora were a bit of a clue as was me spotting that M&S were selling single long stemed red roses at Waterloo station last night; but how I made it on the La Senza email reminder list I'm not entirely sure. So, with it being Valentine's Day thoughts move to great romantic couples - Romeo & Juliet, Beatrice and Benedict, Darcy and Lizzie Bennett, Chantelle and Preston (I've still no idea who Preston is/was and saying he's in the Ordinary Boys doesn't help).
So here is my confession - I'm a bit of a romantic. I know, I know - I can sense some you spluttering on your coffee as you read that but it's true - perhaps well hidden, but true.
Of course the slight problem is that whilst on the whole I can be pretty perceptive; in certain areas it has to be said I'm a bit of a muppet - I can't read signals, I send the wrong signals, move too fast, move too slow, my timing is poor and I can be pretty clueless. However, rather than see this as a major negative, I much prefer to look at this as part of my naive charm! On the plus side it can provide great entertain for friends - like rubber necking at an accident, they know they shouldn't look, but.... it's...... just....... too..... tempting!
As I've said before, one of my favourite sitcom lines is 'you don't get to be in your 30s and still be single by being good at this' (on occasion I do wonder how far I am away from an Oakhall holiday - wonder how many will get that reference?). So Valentine's Day is one of those days, along with birthdays and New Year's Eve, which makes me pause and reflect. I have a lot for which I am thankful and grateful - yet so far some pieces have still to fall into place in that jigsaw of life.
Is today annoying? Can be slightly, but that soon passes as the day is about love and romance and how can you stay annoyed about that? Plus, like the eternally optimistic football fan says (and as a supporter of Birmingham City I need to be optimistic about now), there is always next week, next month or next year and who knows?
Don't misinterpret the above as being downbeat or negative - it's certainly not meant to be. Today is a lovely day and if you do have that special someone then send flowers to their workplace to show how much you care, do something romantic, embrace the day - embrace them!
Mind you, £4.99 for a single rose....
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