Friend’s 30th birthday bash at the weekend – very enjoyable evening. Apparently I have a ‘reputation’ for ‘eclectic’ gifts (a polite way of saying weird/naff?) so a bit worried about the gifts but they seemed to go down OK (many thanks to those who I bounced ideas off).
I probably said something stupid at some point during the evening. If you’ve read any of this blog you realise that the odds are pretty stacked that I would have. Had an interesting chat with a friend about how men and women feel at hitting these milestone birthdays. Friend said women probably worry about turning 30 more than men as it is more of a landmark. The thinking seemed to be if you’re a single woman in your 30s you are seen as being in some way past your prime – almost entering spinster/old maid territory – I thought this was way off target. We’re in the noughties, the 21st century, have were learnt nothing from Bridget Jones Diary? And I don’t just mean that sequels are a bad idea.
The person (female and sober I hasten to add – not some mad semi drunken bloke mouthing off – honestly it wasn’t me) then said if you’re a bloke and still single in you’re 30s, you are looked upon as being ‘a catch’ (such a quaint phrase). Now, I’m thirtysomething and single so this person is clearly making sense – what wise and sensible people I know! Finally, I have confirmation of what I’d always know – I am ‘a catch’. Just a little bit more work and who knows, maybe I could make it into that ‘studmuffin’ category.
Let’s not vote on that.
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