Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 - Looking Back

It's fair to say that blogging has been light during 2011!

I don't know how you feel about New Year. Personally I find it a tricky time of year for various reasons but, as the year ends, a few very brief reflections.

Three good things;
  • There have been some great breaks and trips during 2011.The undoubted highlight was cycling the C2C route with a great bunch of people - some photos can be found here. One of the best things I've ever done. Other enjoyable trips were the World Cup Cycling in Manchester and a quick skiing trip, both in Feb, and a beach holiday (a completely new experience!) in late Sept.
  • Time with friends - old and new - and family. Really appreciated some quality time with people in 2011 which made realise how fortunate I am.
  • Turning 40 - not nearly as bad as it sounds and felt surprisingly comfortable with it!
Three not so good things;
  • work/life balance still wasn't right. It's not that work was awful, but some of things I do in my spare time were too much like work and took too much time. I need more 'life'!
  • Not enough time writing. This was most evident in the almost complete lack of blogging in 2011 - something I enjoy but which fell completely off the radar - but not just that. This is perhaps a somewhat poncey regret, but I like words and didn't spend enough time on them in 2011.
  • Not nearly enough time with friends and family. These things need time and I didn't make enough of it for them during the year.
Overall 2011 felt a strange year - a bit 'meh', a bit of year that felt one of transition, but transition to where wasn't exactly clear! Not a bad year - though it had its moments(!) - but not vintage.

Who knows what 2012 will bring, but tomorrow a few forward looking thoughts.

Have a very happy new year.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Back to Blogging?

Hope so.

Don't quite know how we are halfway through the year and at the longest day already, but here we are. So far 2011 has been a bit strange and busy. Various things have come up - both work and play - which have meant the blogging has had to take a back seat. I know I've said it a couple of times in recent months, but hopefully I'll now be back to the blog on a regular basis.

So once again the usual mix of inanities, film/TV/book reviews, and general 'stuff' will, perhaps intermittently, appear on this blog again.

You have been warned...

Monday, June 20, 2011

TT 3D - Closer to the Edge

Closer to the Edge is a documentary telling the story of some of the riders in the 2010 Isle of Man TT - the annual motorcycle race around public roads on the island. The main rider the film follows is Guy Martin, a wonderful, laid back and very deadpan funny character, who if had been written in a sitcom would have dismissed as unbelievable. He also sports the best sideburns seen in a film for at least thirty years.

The one thing the TT is known for is its danger - every year there are one or two deaths and 2010 was no different. This film captures the raw energy and beauty of man and motorbike against the clock and the island roads. It is breathtaking, powerful and poignant; beautifully shot with good, and not gratuitous, use of 3D.

You don't need to be a petrol head or a biker to enjoy this - I'm neither and thoroughly enjoyed the film. It doesn't flinch from the danger and handles the inevitable sad moments very well. Guy Martin is comedy gold, and the ending is something that takes you by surprise. It's got a limited release but see it you can - in 2D or 3D - highly recommend.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Blogging will be back

Apologies that the blogging hiatus has been longer than expected - it will be back shortly.