Been a busy week at work and wanted a Saturday completely off. On the train last night an advert for the London Film and Comic Con caught my eye. Well, although I'm a bit geeky this would be differentand so I headed off. Was a bit worried whilst queuing as some people in front were dressed as
Harry Potter - there was also the obligatory stormtroopers.
Didn't know what to expect but was pleasantly surprised - various stands from comics to how to build your own R2D2, some talks, and opportunities to get signed autographs from various cult and sci-fi actors, like the two in the picture.
A couple of things did intrigue me. Numerous people dressed up - not just as stormtroopers but as
Dr Who and assistant, as manga characters and even as
Jessica Rabbit. Not something I'd do but fair play to them - they'd spent a lot of time and effort on the costumes and it's a safe environment in which to dress up; the worst that'll happen is people will want to take your photo. This is linked to the second thing. It wasn't just
Comic Book Guy from the
Simpsons types who were there, or indeed dressing up. In fact there were very few
Comic Book Guys. The crowd was surpringly young - like at the Bon Jovi concerts I was 'above average' in age - and I'd guess 40% were women, including those in costume.
Stereotypes were suitably dented and a very enjoyable couple of hours - I'll be back.
And for those who don't know the photo is of Kenny Baker (R2D2 in Star Wars) and Dave Prowse (Darth Vadar and the Green Cross Code Man).