Realised that a couple of exhibitions I wanted to see were nearing their end dates so this afternoon went to see the Constable exhibition at Tate Britain. Admittedly I wasn't expecting the penultimate Saturday afternoon to be quiet, but it was heaving - I have found a new level of hell.
It was full of a weird mix of people - a bloke impeccably dressed in a 3 piece suit, tourists with huge backpacks, single hearty women of a certain age from the home counties, and rather annoying middle class parents who seemed to think that a 4 year old (who they've probably given an unfortunate name like Cuthbert or Hermione) really wants to spend a Saturday afternoon in a stuffy and packed art gallery and are surprised when they are grizzly.
The exhibition was OK - some pieces were very impressive - but there are only so many paintings of horses pulling carts across rivers you can see without it beginning to wane.
Interestingly the Constable room upstairs in the main Tate collection (the free bit) had only a few people in it and was much better.
Then when to the Kandinsky exhibition at Tate Modern. I know it's not for everyone, but it was wonderful - full of vibrant colour and stunning pieces. The galleries were less crowded and had a younger age profile - many were Euro tourists - the contrasting crowds between the two exhibitions probably says a lot about the British attitude to 'modern' art'.
Purchased the catalogue and was asked by the assisant - a nice woman whose name badge said Katie - if I was member. Yes I am, so I got a little discount. She didn't ask the person in front of me that question - perhaps I just 'look the sort'...