Incredibly it's already the end of July. I entered 2006 quite optimistic - an unusual state of affairs for me. Have to admit so far it's not lived up to its billing, and hope the last 5 months are better than the first seven.
Keep having fevers/high temperatures - perhaps it's the (male) menopause?? If so, I believe I need to buy a convertible sports car, start dating models/ actresses/ whatever who are far too young and called things like Fifi and Amb*r, and buy a wig.
Note to self - if buying a convertible and a wig, must purchase a suitable toupee glue...
Monday, July 31, 2006
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Website of the week - #11
Forget the 2012 Olympics. Forget Le Grand Depart of the 2007 Tour de France.
Next year, in Brighton, there is a world championship for which we, as a nation, need to be prepared. We need to be able to compete at the highest level and we need to start training now; it only occurs every two years and we can't wait until Alaska 2009.
Gentlemen, and ladies where appropriate, get ready for The World Beard and Moustache Championships.
Next year, in Brighton, there is a world championship for which we, as a nation, need to be prepared. We need to be able to compete at the highest level and we need to start training now; it only occurs every two years and we can't wait until Alaska 2009.
Gentlemen, and ladies where appropriate, get ready for The World Beard and Moustache Championships.
30% spontaneous
Are you funny? Tricky question, but the beauty of the interweb is that the answer is always out there. Took one of those quizs to find out more about my humour. The results are as follows:
The Wit - (66% dark, 30% spontaneous, 5% vulgar)
Your humor style: CLEAN, COMPLEX, DARK
You like things edgy, subtle, and smart. I guess that means you're probably an intellectual, but don't take that to mean pretentious. You realize 'dumb' can be witty--after all isn't that the Simpsons' philosophy?--but rudeness for its own sake, 'gross-out' humor and most other things found in a fraternity leave you totally flat.
I guess you just have a more cerebral approach than most. You have the perfect mindset for a joke writer or staff writer.
Your sense of humor takes the most thought to appreciate, but it's also the best, in my opinion.
You probably loved the Office. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check it out here:
PEOPLE LIKE YOU: Jon Stewart - Woody Allen - Ricky Gervais
This is all 'interesting stuff' - I'm surprised as I think it's pretty accurate - thoughts? I know, it's only an internet quiz, but it must be good - I mean, you even get a diagram showing where you fit in...
The Wit - (66% dark, 30% spontaneous, 5% vulgar)
Your humor style: CLEAN, COMPLEX, DARK
You like things edgy, subtle, and smart. I guess that means you're probably an intellectual, but don't take that to mean pretentious. You realize 'dumb' can be witty--after all isn't that the Simpsons' philosophy?--but rudeness for its own sake, 'gross-out' humor and most other things found in a fraternity leave you totally flat.
I guess you just have a more cerebral approach than most. You have the perfect mindset for a joke writer or staff writer.
Your sense of humor takes the most thought to appreciate, but it's also the best, in my opinion.
You probably loved the Office. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check it out here:
PEOPLE LIKE YOU: Jon Stewart - Woody Allen - Ricky Gervais
This is all 'interesting stuff' - I'm surprised as I think it's pretty accurate - thoughts? I know, it's only an internet quiz, but it must be good - I mean, you even get a diagram showing where you fit in...

Saturday, July 29, 2006
Go West
So the West Wing - probably the best TV show of recent years - is over. Channel 4 treated its end as shabbily as it had treated the past few series - shunted out on E4 and More4; is it too much to ask for intelligent shows to be sensibly scheduled on terrestrial TV?
The Ultimate West Wing Challenge was a truly appalling 30 mins of television. Fortunately the last couple of episodes brought it all to a fitting end - CJ and Danny, Josh and Donna, Toby. All good stuff, I'll miss it.
The Ultimate West Wing Challenge was a truly appalling 30 mins of television. Fortunately the last couple of episodes brought it all to a fitting end - CJ and Danny, Josh and Donna, Toby. All good stuff, I'll miss it.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
What a week...
It started so promisingly. Last week had been busy but I'd caught up with some friends and hit a major work deadline. The week ahead looked good - catch up on the 'oddjobs' at work and a couple of social things lined up. Finally things beginning to become 'normal'??
It went wrong Tuesday morning. Woke up feeling groggy, nauseous and generally crap - perhaps I'm pregnant. Would explain the waistline and the hormones ;-) Went back to bed for the next 24 hours - thank goodness for BBC7.
Wednesday felt better. Then a phonecall. Grandfather in hospital, it's serious, family members descending from various parts of the country. I often feel about as useful as a chocolate teapot in these situations - words are insufficient or superficial and there are only so many cups of tea you can make. Thankfully things have stabilised, but no doubt a few tricky days ahead.
So much for 'normal'...
It went wrong Tuesday morning. Woke up feeling groggy, nauseous and generally crap - perhaps I'm pregnant. Would explain the waistline and the hormones ;-) Went back to bed for the next 24 hours - thank goodness for BBC7.
Wednesday felt better. Then a phonecall. Grandfather in hospital, it's serious, family members descending from various parts of the country. I often feel about as useful as a chocolate teapot in these situations - words are insufficient or superficial and there are only so many cups of tea you can make. Thankfully things have stabilised, but no doubt a few tricky days ahead.
So much for 'normal'...
Monday, July 24, 2006
Three Little Words
A lot can be conveyed in 3 little words.
Disappointment - like at Christmas when you get a great new toy and then come across those 3 words "batteries not included."
Emotion - being a romantic - though a self confessed clueless and hapless one ;-) - I love the beauty you can convey with 3 little words. Is there anything more wonderful than those 3 words "I love you?"
Joy - have to say that as a bloke who has to wear shirts and suits to work there are a couple of sets of 3 little words which can bring real joy. "Machine washable suit" and "non iron shirt."
Disappointment - like at Christmas when you get a great new toy and then come across those 3 words "batteries not included."
Emotion - being a romantic - though a self confessed clueless and hapless one ;-) - I love the beauty you can convey with 3 little words. Is there anything more wonderful than those 3 words "I love you?"
Joy - have to say that as a bloke who has to wear shirts and suits to work there are a couple of sets of 3 little words which can bring real joy. "Machine washable suit" and "non iron shirt."
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Website of the week - #10
Slightly different to the usual website of the week. If you read the Observer Magazine you might have come across it - the wonderful group art project that is
The one in last week's mag was "I asked my best friend to marry me in an email I never sent December thirty-first, two thousand and five at exactly 11:59PM." Just think of the back story to that...
The site has a variety of secrets. Who knows, you might be tempted to join in...
The one in last week's mag was "I asked my best friend to marry me in an email I never sent December thirty-first, two thousand and five at exactly 11:59PM." Just think of the back story to that...
The site has a variety of secrets. Who knows, you might be tempted to join in...
...slight depression and the start of a slide into alcoholism? But hey, enough about my weekend ;o)
Been another very busy week followed by a very quiet weekend - hopefully some 'normality' and balance will start soon. Thinking about doing something 'creative' in the autumn so looked at what my local college offers. Incredibly there are over 940 different courses. The top 10 that caught my eye, for no particular reason, were;
...Dance - options included ballroom, latin, jazz, tap, Persian and Indian (Bollywood)...
...Blues Harmonica...
...Improve Your Nail Appearance...
...Massage for Couples and Friends (regretfully you have to supply your own partner)...
...Stage Combat (Unarmed)...
...Embroidery including Church Embroidery...
...Jazz Vibrophone...
...Emotional Freedom Therapy...
...Stained Glass for Beginners...
...Intensive Upholstery (apparently this is not for beginners)...
Truly amazing what you can be taught - not sure the above are exactly me! The one I should probably go for is entitled "What is Therapy?"
Been another very busy week followed by a very quiet weekend - hopefully some 'normality' and balance will start soon. Thinking about doing something 'creative' in the autumn so looked at what my local college offers. Incredibly there are over 940 different courses. The top 10 that caught my eye, for no particular reason, were;
...Dance - options included ballroom, latin, jazz, tap, Persian and Indian (Bollywood)...
...Blues Harmonica...
...Improve Your Nail Appearance...
...Massage for Couples and Friends (regretfully you have to supply your own partner)...
...Stage Combat (Unarmed)...
...Embroidery including Church Embroidery...
...Jazz Vibrophone...
...Emotional Freedom Therapy...
...Stained Glass for Beginners...
...Intensive Upholstery (apparently this is not for beginners)...
Truly amazing what you can be taught - not sure the above are exactly me! The one I should probably go for is entitled "What is Therapy?"
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Meanwhile, back in the 50s...

Last Sunday I popped by the ‘Teddington Village Fair’ organised by the stalwarts of many a suburb and small town, the local Lions Club. Numerous gazebos were there for local organisations; there was a bouncy castle, a skittles game, an ice-cream van and a coconut shy. As you can see in the photo, one stall seemed to solely consist of a very large selection of cushions!
It’s easy to mock this type of thing - and I admit I find these things very weird considering the location is in a city - but that’s not really my intent. I find it fascinating that ’village’ events like this can still flourish in cities; people want a sense of local community (another similar event is the Bournville Village Festival in south Birmingham). It’s not really my thing, but it’s difficult to really dislike.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
...holding post...
Apologies to my regular readers - (both of you!) - for the lack of posting. Been hectic few days/weeks - v. tired. Will aim to catch up soon - may be some pictures!
For those who worry about such things;
Trips to the Mothers Union shop so far this week - 1.
For those who worry about such things;
Trips to the Mothers Union shop so far this week - 1.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Website of the week - #9
Saturday, July 15, 2006
And what do you do??
Another quiet weekend - a bit strange to be honest. The past few weeks (and weekends) have been really busy so whilst the quietness is nice, it's also a bit disconcerting. Don't mind busy weeks but don't like to 'waste' weekends - adds to my feeling that I've got work/life balance a bit off kilter.
A couple of things this week have made me ponder how much of who/what I am stems from how I earn a living. It has opened doors and given opportunities to do things I'd never have been involved with, for which I'm thankful. But don't think the 'balance' is right, or perhaps I'm reading too much into things, and how I perceive myself is in reality different from how others perceive me...
Debating my next 'creative outlet' in the autumn. Anything that lists 'bravery' as an entry requirement, and states 'weapons will be provided', catches the eye; so this looks intriguing.
A couple of things this week have made me ponder how much of who/what I am stems from how I earn a living. It has opened doors and given opportunities to do things I'd never have been involved with, for which I'm thankful. But don't think the 'balance' is right, or perhaps I'm reading too much into things, and how I perceive myself is in reality different from how others perceive me...
Debating my next 'creative outlet' in the autumn. Anything that lists 'bravery' as an entry requirement, and states 'weapons will be provided', catches the eye; so this looks intriguing.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Now, where did I put that photo?
Currently reading Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner - love the use of initials. Talking about internet dating on page 82 they write;
"A low income, poorly educated, unhappily employed, not-very-attractive, slightly overweight, and balding man who posts his photo stands a better chance of gleaning some emails than a man who says he makes $200,000 and is deadly handsome but doesn't post a photo."
"A low income, poorly educated, unhappily employed, not-very-attractive, slightly overweight, and balding man who posts his photo stands a better chance of gleaning some emails than a man who says he makes $200,000 and is deadly handsome but doesn't post a photo."
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
A Worrying Statistic?
Apparently there are twice as many single men aged 30-40 in London compared to single women.
Whether this is good or bad news no doubt depends on a variety of things - age, gender, sexuality, desperation, ticking biological clocks...
In my case it probably explains a lot...
Whether this is good or bad news no doubt depends on a variety of things - age, gender, sexuality, desperation, ticking biological clocks...
In my case it probably explains a lot...
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Josh and Donna in the West Wing...
Grissom and Sarah in CSI...
Singalong now... love is the air...
Grissom and Sarah in CSI...
Singalong now... love is the air...
Half empty/half full
Saw a intriguing job advert; the sort of one that makes you think 'I wonder'??
I like my current job and there may be big opportunities in the next 2 years, it also enables me to be involved in something I love to do. Job advert was for a post that would be an interesting move - main issue is it's not London based but in the north east.
I like my current job and there may be big opportunities in the next 2 years, it also enables me to be involved in something I love to do. Job advert was for a post that would be an interesting move - main issue is it's not London based but in the north east.
Is it enough of a temptation to consider relocating, and to the north east? What's keeping me here? Would relocating be a positive decision or perhaps an avoidance of other stuff? What would I be giving up here - personally, professionally? Surely my job is not the sole driving factor in 'life' decisions?
I know I'm not going to apply for it, but it was good to be provoked into a bit of thought rather than just stay put and let inertia perhaps set in.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Website of the week - #8
If you liked the Sony advert with the bouncy balls then see this.
Various download options - just to warn you the Media Player version is about 6MB
Various download options - just to warn you the Media Player version is about 6MB
The things you hear...
Overheard after the church service this morning,
"The last time I went to Majorca I was strip searched. It wasn't a full body cavity search."
I mean... How do you drop that into post service conversation??
"The last time I went to Majorca I was strip searched. It wasn't a full body cavity search."
I mean... How do you drop that into post service conversation??
Saturday, July 08, 2006
My Usual Poor Timing
Thought I'd update some of the links on my blog and added a couple of links to artists whose CDs I've recently bought.
Linking to the Dixie Chicks (they write,they play, I like them - get over it) site I then discovered that they'd played Shepherd's Bush the other week - infamous as the place where a couple of years ago they said they weren't proud that George W came from Texas which led to a major controversy back in the USA, loss of air play and appearances on Larry King (CNN).
Really annoyed as I'd like to seem them live - my usual 'excellent' timing.
Like their new album though.
Linking to the Dixie Chicks (they write,they play, I like them - get over it) site I then discovered that they'd played Shepherd's Bush the other week - infamous as the place where a couple of years ago they said they weren't proud that George W came from Texas which led to a major controversy back in the USA, loss of air play and appearances on Larry King (CNN).
Really annoyed as I'd like to seem them live - my usual 'excellent' timing.
Like their new album though.
Peaks and Troughs

A few weekends ago I was asked what I did on a normal Saturday. I replied I didn't have a clue as I've no idea what a 'normal' Saturday is. Been wondering whether I am busy because I have a freedom (not sure that's the right word though) to be able to commit to things; or do I commit to things as a means of avoidance/filling time?
Not sure I want to delve too much into that!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
It's a living...
Today I got to put on a fluorescent jacket and builders hard hat and follow two men wearing tights around a building site.
This is how I earn a living..?..?
This is how I earn a living..?..?
A Point to Ponder?
Have fish and monkeys stopped evolving?
If so, when?
If not, what are evolving into?
If so, when?
If not, what are evolving into?
Monday, July 03, 2006
Continually Clueless
Again demonstrated my cluelessness last week. Got an email from someone asking my 'advice' as she felt there was this bloke - a really nice guy - who had a thing for her. Being the good friend I email back saying what makes you think that? What were the signs? Why don't we meet up for a drink and talk it through? Yes - I know now! Not sure my email was the great help intended. A real case of crossed wires as the bloke she was talking about was me...
What I really liked was that the person felt they could be open and honest and ask, pretty much straight out, whether I had a thing for them. The answer was no, it was fine - all cleared up with a couple of emails. It's nice that there is a friendship there which could handle such a situation - a sense of trust and openness.
Slightly worried about what unintended signals I've been giving off though!
What I really liked was that the person felt they could be open and honest and ask, pretty much straight out, whether I had a thing for them. The answer was no, it was fine - all cleared up with a couple of emails. It's nice that there is a friendship there which could handle such a situation - a sense of trust and openness.
Slightly worried about what unintended signals I've been giving off though!
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Website of the week - #7
Comedy Tomorrow?
So the comedy writing course has ended - think I am now statistically 13.7% funnier.
Have mixed feelings about it. Was only a 2 hour session each week for 10 weeks so have barely started to scratch the surface and just when you're beginning to get to know people (I am invariably slow at this) the sessions are over. Know one area I definitely can't do, but where, if anywhere, next? In the past a couple of people have said how about trying stand up - which perhaps I could look into a bit more - but were they serious? Would I have the sheer bottle to even attempt it?? Know what I'd perhaps like to do, but do I have the ideas/talent??
Final week included a comedy quiz. Slipped on the comedy anorak and did surprisingly well - though was annoyed that I couldn't name 3 famous Canadian comedians. Not sure if it was a comment on me or on Canada.
Was driving somewhere yesterday morning and flipped on Radio 4. "... and being a tranvestite I am, of course, immune to embarassment..." was the first sentence I heard. Was a conversation between Turner Prize winning artist Grayson Perry and Gyles Brandryth!
That's the bizarre about writing comedy - you can never come up with something as random and funny as happens in real life.
Have mixed feelings about it. Was only a 2 hour session each week for 10 weeks so have barely started to scratch the surface and just when you're beginning to get to know people (I am invariably slow at this) the sessions are over. Know one area I definitely can't do, but where, if anywhere, next? In the past a couple of people have said how about trying stand up - which perhaps I could look into a bit more - but were they serious? Would I have the sheer bottle to even attempt it?? Know what I'd perhaps like to do, but do I have the ideas/talent??
Final week included a comedy quiz. Slipped on the comedy anorak and did surprisingly well - though was annoyed that I couldn't name 3 famous Canadian comedians. Not sure if it was a comment on me or on Canada.
Was driving somewhere yesterday morning and flipped on Radio 4. "... and being a tranvestite I am, of course, immune to embarassment..." was the first sentence I heard. Was a conversation between Turner Prize winning artist Grayson Perry and Gyles Brandryth!
That's the bizarre about writing comedy - you can never come up with something as random and funny as happens in real life.
Yep - more random utterances...
Been a busy couple of weeks. Thankfully amid the busyness I've been able to catch up with a couple of friends, neither of whom I see enough of, over some wine and food (venue was called Smithys - seemed appropriate). Also enjoyed a friend's recent birthday gathering catching up with others I, regretfully, see even less of.
A random throwaway comment I made to someone on the phone about whether I ever 'fit in' got me thinking. Not sure I ever 'fit in' - or indeed I'd often want to. Currently seem to be more a blending into the background type of guy...
A random throwaway comment I made to someone on the phone about whether I ever 'fit in' got me thinking. Not sure I ever 'fit in' - or indeed I'd often want to. Currently seem to be more a blending into the background type of guy...
Saturday, July 01, 2006
A River Runs Through It

There are some - and only some - elements I miss about living in docklands and I was reminded of one yesterday. In the summer there was nothing more pleasant that getting the river bus home. Avoiding the 7th level of hell that can be the tube in summer, you could gently glide down the Thames enjoying a different pace of travel and seeing London, still an often beautiful city, from the water. Now the Thames also runs through Teddington (it even has a lifeboat station), but on a hot Friday evening traveling back by South West Trains just isn't the same. The annoucement last night in the middle of a hot spell? "Sorry we have taken one carriage out of service - this was due to the heaters being stuck on full heat."
Why Men Blog
From today's Independent newspaper;
"Sir: Mary Dejevsky observes that women do not write blogs (29 June). One observation made by psychologists is that women have more highly developed social skills, for reasons no one seems to understand. It may be that men blog not because they have more time, but because they deal so much less well with actual face to face communication in the physical presence of other members of their species.
MJ Bartley
London EC1"
Looks like we've been found out...
"Sir: Mary Dejevsky observes that women do not write blogs (29 June). One observation made by psychologists is that women have more highly developed social skills, for reasons no one seems to understand. It may be that men blog not because they have more time, but because they deal so much less well with actual face to face communication in the physical presence of other members of their species.
MJ Bartley
London EC1"
Looks like we've been found out...
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